For more information and time saving tips on PROFIT-TRACK™, please see below.
How to perform Backups
Backups should be performed daily to protect your business from issues such as hardware failure, software corruption, computer virus, fire, adverse weather conditions etc.
Tips for Deleted Product Promotions
Deleted Product Promotions can be setup to automatically create promo batches during Host processing at store, for products deleted by the Warehouse.
Deletions Management Tips
Deletion Management will list products that have not sold for a specified period of time, so you have many options available to you in these tips.
Using the F3 Search Function
Here are some reminder tips about some of the useful features of PROFIT-TRACK’s™ F3 Search function.
Fast Pricing & Mass Sell Updates
Details on how you can quickly check and update your Sell prices via the Fast Pricing and Mass Sell Update functions
Hold Off, Last Chance & Add Specials to Orders
Hold Off, Last Chance and Add Specials can be applied against any order BEFORE finalisation. These functions can save you money as you can see when the costs are lower on products and buy more, or wait to buy.
Standard Tasks to keep your system and store running smoothly
Keep this document near your Back Office PC as a reminder of the Tasks required to keep your system and store running smoothly.
How to add ingredients and Country of Origin information on products
PROFIT-TRACK™ is fully integrated to Wedderburn Wedge Deli scales which makes adding ingredients and Country of Origin information to products a quick and easy process.